Harry Potter Houses Which One Is the Best

Ranking the Hogwarts Houses in Harry Potter

Which Hogwarts house is the very best House that ever was? Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Slytherin or Hufflepuff?

While all students at the illustrious Wizarding Academy in the the Uk known as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry tin agree that Hogwarts is our home, which House is the best house is a subject for debate. EVERYONE believes in their middle of hearts that their House is the Best House.

It doesn't thing if Tom Riddle was once a Slytherin. If y'all are in Slytherin, you believe it is the best house of them all, because information technology is the nearly pure. Logic may say that Gryffindor is superior because Harry Potter was a member, simply that won't really pass muster with a Ravenclaw, who will listing you ten reasons why Gryffindor still logically sucks, while simultaneously studying for next calendar week's exam you don't even know is coming nonetheless and writing a treatise on the history of Quidditch.

So which House is the best Firm? Well, equally a Hufflepuff would say, let's look at this adequately….


I tin can already hear the accusations that this is just more anti-Slytherin propaganda, and that the Green and Silver get a bad rap that's undeserved. And it'due south hard not to see information technology that way sometimes. At that place are, after all, good people who were and are sorted into Slytherin. Some of my best friends are Slytherin! (Ok, well, 1.) Members of House Slytherin have their good points. They are smart, they are driven, they are aggressive. Many of them become on to exist highly successful and productive members of Wizarding society. And more often than not, Slytherins are really good looking, every bit long equally they haven't taking the whole "pureblood" intermarriage to inbred extremes.

But information technology can't be ignored that the bulk of the Death Eaters in both the First and Second Wizarding Wars were drawn primarily from this house, to the point that Hogwarts had to evict all the members of it prior to the Battle of Hogwarts in 1997. And the pureblood mania is extremely agonizing, and can give rise to an ugly anti-muggle streak if left unchecked. And it's not but that Tom Riddle came from Slytherin–he was the true born heir of Slytherin. The heir of the wizard who founded this House… a magician, it should be noted, who left a terrible murderous Basilisk under the school, with the hope that one day information technology would be let loose and murder almost of the present twenty-four hour period educatee body. There's no getting around that. This House has serious work to do to rise once again.


Ravenclaws are probably very defensive to run across themselves hither. They ever seem to wind up second to concluding on these lists. And there'southward a level where they are right: that'southward just not fair. After all, Ravenclaws are some of the smartest wizards and witches you'll ever encounter. Not only are they smart, but they recollect in ways so vivid, a regular wizard or witch would simply never consider the methods they use. (Luna Lovegood is a perfect instance.) Many times, spell adaptations come up from Ravenclaws who have a tendency to exercise magic differently than others.  Many advances in Wizarding thought came from esteemed members of this House.

But there'due south 1 key thing well-nigh House Ravenclaw, one detail that is so damning, that it prevents the Firm from finding itself on the top one-half of House rankings. And no, it's not the ultra-competitive, almost backstabbing spirit that invades the Business firm at O.Westward.50. fourth dimension. It's the fact that the movies got their Firm Crest and Symbol utterly wrong.

Yeah, y'all heard me. Incorrect. The symbol of Business firm Ravenclaw in the books is an Eagle. Still in the movies, the crest is clear adorned with… a raven. Yeah, director Chris Columbus paid so little attending to this house, that he designed its House logo wrong, and for 7 subsequent movies, no one always noticed or bothered to change it. (And simply in case you remember maybe Rowling would just leave the alter, she didn't. Pottermore's artwork is yet an eagle.) Sorry Ravenclaw, but that'southward really hard to get around. Yous accept to agree, it'south only logical.


At present, Hufflepuff is the most popular House other than Gryffindor. They are smart, loyal, generous individuals who are always there if you need them. There are so many Hufflepuff alumni who are credits to the House's proper name. Newt Scamander, who we all know volition be the focus of his own trilogy of movies starting later this yr, is an esteemed member of Business firm Hufflepuff, and exhibits many of the traits that brand this Firm so great, including a dearest of animals and living things.

Hufflepuff are hard workers, and I am proud to say that I have been a member of this Firm for many years myself. Nosotros are also known for how impartial nosotros are, which is why I felt that I was qualified to make this list–information technology was just the most off-white way to practice information technology. And though Hufflepuffs are some of the most wonderful people there are, and their Firm is clearly the best of the four, we would never actually be so gauche as to put ourselves first on a ranking list.


The about famous house of the four in Hogwarts, its reputation nowadays is based upon that of the membership of The Boy Who Lived. Simply that'due south non the reason that Gryffindor tops this listing, even though his presence in the Firm certainly is impressive. There are other Gryffindors in history who have been far more than influential in bringing this House fame. One such alumnus is Albus Dumbledore. During his time he was Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. His fame was such that he turned down the position of the Minister of Magic several times over the course of his life. And of course, before Tom Riddle came along, Dumbledore was the one to face up Gellert Grindelwald in a Wizaading State of war that was far more international than anything started by Voldemort.

Yep, Gryffindor is certainly a Business firm worth being in, and though its members may non be as kind or generous as those in Hufflepuff (Gryffindors tend towards arrogance a little fleck here and there, and I'm sure being placed kickoff on this list volition non assist that), there are mod day wizards and witches other than Potter to consider as well. Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of our age, is a member of Gryffindor, and her fame and influence on history may well outstrip Harry'due south earlier all is said and done. Information technology boasts members of the Sacred 28, such as every last one of the Weasley Clan. Speaking of which, Gryffindor also boasts Quidditch hero Ginerva Weasley equally a member, as well equally the electric current Caput of Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall. No wonder the saying goes "100 points to Gryffindor."

Disagree with our rankings?  Somehow, even if you *are* a Gryffindor, I'm sure you have quibbles with our choices. Audio off in the comments–which Business firm is the Best House? And was that the Firm you were sorted into or no?


Source: https://culturess.com/2016/02/08/ranking-hogwarts-houses-harry-potter/

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