How Do You List Peer Review in Cv

This short web log post is relevant for you if you are planning to apply for a PhD, post-doc, lecturer or professorship position. It is also relevant if you lot are applying for a job position in a research organisation. Your CV will create the starting time impression about you to your potential employer. Thus, it is very important that your CV is up to the mark and stands out among all others. Here are a few advices on what to include and not include in your academic CV.

What is a CV?

A cursory description of a person'due south education, qualifications and expertise, previous piece of work feel, technical skills and interests, typically sent with a job awarding. Usually one should attach a cover letter along with your CV while applying for an academic job position. Click here to run into tips on writing cover alphabetic character.

What to include in an academic CV?

  • Bones data well-nigh yourself: proper noun, language skills and personal interests.
  • Detailed contact information: email address, phone number, and present address.
  • Research interests: list four to 5 keywords representing your electric current and future research interest and scope.
  • Work experience: listing all your academic work experience including current one. Yous should mention your job title, employer name, inquiry or didactics stream, and duration of your job.

  • Teaching: list all your bookish degrees. Start from the most recent one on the top. Mention you caste title, specialization, proper noun of academy, years of study period.

  • Publication (if any): list downward all your research publications. Starting from the latest ane on the superlative. Make sure that all your publications are in authentic journals. Click hither to see tips on checking journal quality. Follow a referencing fashion for your publication list e.1000. APA or Harvard. Click here to read how to reference properly.
  • Working papers (if any): list all your working papers. Working papers are papers of which you already accept a showtime draft. May exist your co-authors are reviewing it or y'all are because to present in a conference or submit to a periodical in couple of months.
  • Manuscript under review (if whatever): list all your research papers which are under review in a journal.
  • Manuscripts under preparation (if whatsoever): you may have a section on your CV list all research papers which you are currently working on or will be working shortly. This represents your pipeline of inquiry activeness. And your time to come employer would empathise that you lot are actively conducting enquiry.

  • Conference papers (if any): list all your inquiry papers which you take already presented in a briefing.

  • Reviewer: you may list some of the journals and conferences, for which y'all served as a reviewer in the peer-review procedure.

  • Awards: listing all your awards.

  • Not-academic task feel (if whatsoever): you may add your non-academic job experiences in this section. Again, list y'all job championship, employer name, cardinal responsibilities at work and duration of your job.

  • Technical skills and competencies: list all your technical skills such as data analysis skills and software skills.

  • Academic skills and competences: in this section mention your bookish skills. Such skills could exist noesis of literature, statistical methods, English writing skills, storytelling or conference presentation skills.

  • You may list yous language skills and personal interests at the terminate of you CV.

Key points

  • Do not write all your personal detail (e.chiliad. engagement of birth, marital condition etc.) in an academic CV
  • List all your publication and briefing presentations
  • Nowadays your research and didactics experience
  • E'er start with listing contempo activities in every section
  • Provide item contact information

By Dr Ziaul Haque Munim, Founder- ResearchHUB

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